15 octombrie 2015

Project A, editia II - A journey through the history and future of jewelry

Bijuterie de inspiratie Baroca, realizata pentru Targul de bijuterie contemporana Project A, 22-24 mai 2015

Conceptul bijuteriei l-am cladit în jurul ideii că artele trebuie să se împletească pentru a duce la o evoluție și inovație a mijloacelor de exprimare artistică. De aceea am cautat inspiratie si in domeniul picturii, sculpturii si arhitecturii din perioada baroca, si am preluat diferite caracteristici ale stilului pe care le-am interpretat si aplicat apoi in constructia bijuteriei. In „Light and Darkness” am creat volum, am exploatat rolul luminii si al umbrelor, am realizat o suprafata bogat decorata, cu linii curbe si elemente florale, toate acestea fiind trasaturi reprezentative stilului si folosite in aceasta bijuterie de inspiratie Baroca, cu influente contemporane.


Baroque inspired jewelry, made for Project A - Targ de bijuterie contemporana, 22-24 May, at Galateca Gallery, Bucharest.

The concept of the jewelry was built around the idea that arts should bind together in order to lead to an evolution and innovation of the artistic means of expression. That’s why, besides the jewelry field, I’ve also searched for inspiration in Baroque’s paintings, sculptures and architecture and I took some of its characteristics and applied them into the jewelry’s construction. In “Light and Darkness”, this Baroque inspired jewelry, with a contemporary influence, I’ve created volume, I’ve exploited the use of light and shadows, I’ve made a highly decorated surface, using curved lines and floral elements, all these being representative features of this artistic style.

De la eveniment
-bijuteria fixata pe axa timpului-

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