1 decembrie 2015

Targ caritabil #Colectiv Delivery

O mare adunare de forte, talente, gesturi frumoase, si ganduri bune, a avut loc in 28 noiembrie, in Bucuresti. Toate cu un scop comun, acela de a cumpara produse donate de foarte multi artisti si designeri, in cadrul unui targ caritabil, in beneficiul ranitilor de la ‪#‎colectiv‬. Targul a fost organizat de Revista de Povestiri, in parteneriat cu Carturesti si Street Delivery. Rezultatul lui a fost suma de 34 570 lei stransi si predati Fundatiei Estuar, care se va ocupa cu impartirea lor famililor ranitilor.

Cu bucurie, am putut sa contribui si eu, donand colierul de mai jos, in speranta ca se va gasi o persoana suficient de indrazneata si darnica, care sa-l achizitioneze. Si cred ca asa s-a si intamplat, ceea ce ma bucura enorm! :)
A large gathering of creative forces, talents, beautiful people and positive thoughts took place on November 28th, in Bucharest. Everything happened for a noble cause, to buy handmade products donated by many artists and designers, and help the victims from #colectiv. The charity fair was organized by Revista de Povestiri, in partnership with Carturesti and Street Delivery. The result was a considerable amount of money, almost $9000, which will go to the victims and their families.

I was happy that I could also participate at this fair, by donating the necklace you see below, sincerely hoping that there will be one bold, non-conformist and generous lady who will fall in love with it and buy it. And so it was, which gives me a great joy!

Photo: Diana Crivat

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