3 martie 2016

March Features

Look what I've found on the first page of Breslo! What an awesome surprise! That's a quotation from one of my interviews, which says:

"I had the honor to receive a commission for a jewelry that was to be given to Princess Margaret of Romania as a gift, for her anniversary. I was extremely happy!"

Yes, that happened a few years ago and it's something I will always be proud of and thankful!

You can read the full interview here (in Romanian):

27 februarie 2016

Primavara vine cu un martisor... sau mai multe

Spring is almost here and we celebrate it starting with March 1st, the "Trinkets Day". On March 1st, men offer trinkets (mărțișoare) to women, as a gesture of appreciation. I usually don't do specific jewelry for holidays, but this year, being asked by a lovely lady, I couldn't say no. So, even though it's on the last minute, I've started making small red trinkets, simple yet elegant, which can be worn as a pendant, once the holiday's over. They're so cute, that you might keep it for yourself.


1 februarie 2016

Hello February!

Hello February, hello lovely ladies! Today is the first day of the LOVE month, as it's said, and first of all, I want to wish you to be loved, cherished and appreciated as you deserve all year round, not just this month!

Second, even though I haven't been so active around here lately, I've been super active working in my studio, making lots of pretty things for you. I have a few surprises which will be revealed soon and I cannot wait to show them to you!

And third... let the "hearts" invasion begin!

15 ianuarie 2016

January Features


http://www.revista-atelierul.ro/2016/01/13/culorile-anului-rose-quartz/#attachment wp-att-44223/0/

4 ianuarie 2016


I just got these lovely pictures from photographer Varlamov Loredana and I realized that I forgot to tell you about a really nice event I took part in November, last year. I know that everything happens for a reason, and probably that's why I ended up there and I'm grateful for that because I had the chance to meet beautiful people and we connected right away. 

24 decembrie 2015

Happy Holidays!


Fie ca acest Craciun sa va aduca fericire, pace si liniste in suflet, si casa sa va fie plina cu prieteni, familie, bucurie si rasete! Va doresc sa aveti un Craciun si un An Nou exact asa cum vi le doriti!
Craciun Fericit, dargi prieteni!
May this Christmas bring you happiness, peace and love to your heart and soul and your home be filled with friends and family, joy and laughter! May your Christmas and New Year be exactly as you want it to be!
Happy Holidays, dear friends!

15 decembrie 2015

Cum a fost la Fashion Fridays Christmas Fair

Weekendul care tocmai a trecut l-am petrecut intr-un loc cool, fresh si plin de oameni talentati. In data de 11-12 decembrie a avut loc targul de Craciun Fashion Fridays, aceasta fiind (aproape) prima mea intalnite cu publicul timisorean. Sincera sa fiu, nu am considerat pana acum ca mi se potrivesc targurile ca metoda de marketing si vanzare, asa ca, din motive nestiute concret nici de mine, nu au fost o prioritate. Concluzia pe care am tras-o este ca experienta in sine a fost placuta, si merita incercata din nou. :) Merita tot stresul si pregatirile asidue de dinainte, fiindca un targ poate fi benefic afacerii, insa secretul este sa stii cum sa-l alegi pe acela care-ti va aduce beneficiile respective, adica publicul potrivit si publicitatea dorita. :) 

I've spent the last weekend in a cool and fresh place, full with talented people. On December 11-12th, I've participated at Fashion Fridays Christmas Fair, in my hometown, Timisoara, this being my first meeting with the local public. To be honest, I've never considered (until now) that fairs are a suitable option for my business, mainly because I don't work very well under a lot of stress. :) So, from unknown reasons, they haven't been a priority for me. All in all, it was a pleasant experience which worth tried again. :) Eventually, all the stress and preparations payed off, and fairs can be a good thing for your business, only if you know how to pick the right ones.

La Fashion Fridays, editia a VIII-a cei care au venit in vizita la standul meu, au avut ocazia sa vada in premiera ultima colectie, Tesuturi, a carei lansare oficiala va fi in curand, asa ca fiti pe faza! :)
People who came by my stand at Fashion Fridays had the chance to see my newest collection, Tesuturi (Tissues), which will be launched really soon, so stay tuned!

1 decembrie 2015

Targ caritabil #Colectiv Delivery

O mare adunare de forte, talente, gesturi frumoase, si ganduri bune, a avut loc in 28 noiembrie, in Bucuresti. Toate cu un scop comun, acela de a cumpara produse donate de foarte multi artisti si designeri, in cadrul unui targ caritabil, in beneficiul ranitilor de la ‪#‎colectiv‬. Targul a fost organizat de Revista de Povestiri, in parteneriat cu Carturesti si Street Delivery. Rezultatul lui a fost suma de 34 570 lei stransi si predati Fundatiei Estuar, care se va ocupa cu impartirea lor famililor ranitilor.

Cu bucurie, am putut sa contribui si eu, donand colierul de mai jos, in speranta ca se va gasi o persoana suficient de indrazneata si darnica, care sa-l achizitioneze. Si cred ca asa s-a si intamplat, ceea ce ma bucura enorm! :)
A large gathering of creative forces, talents, beautiful people and positive thoughts took place on November 28th, in Bucharest. Everything happened for a noble cause, to buy handmade products donated by many artists and designers, and help the victims from #colectiv. The charity fair was organized by Revista de Povestiri, in partnership with Carturesti and Street Delivery. The result was a considerable amount of money, almost $9000, which will go to the victims and their families.

I was happy that I could also participate at this fair, by donating the necklace you see below, sincerely hoping that there will be one bold, non-conformist and generous lady who will fall in love with it and buy it. And so it was, which gives me a great joy!

Photo: Diana Crivat

Breslo, bine te-am (re)gasit!

Interviu introductiv pe Breslog, despre Andreea Bololoi Jewelry

Sfarsit de Black Friday

O privire de ansamblu asupra stocului existent in magazinul meu de pe Breslo, Multe dintre aceste bijuterii inca se mai gasesc acolo, asa ca, intra si arunca o privire! Si poate-ti vei gasi bijuteria mult-dorita! :)

Talente @ Noaptea Alba a Creatorilor si Designerilor de Produs 2015

Photos by: Revista Atelierul

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